The FONTANAPULIA project: Environmental Nanotechnology

Environmental remediation can be accomplished by means of different bio/physiochemical processes. Recently, the use of nanotechnology has been proposed as powerful tools that may increase the efficiency of remediation processes. Besides the application of nanotechnology in detection and removal of many organic and inorganic pollutants provides many advantages such as in line and real-time detection and portability in environmental remediation. After the introductory key-note lecture that will highlight the different fields of application of nanotechnology to environmental issues, the symposium will present some of the most advanced researches in the use of nanotechnology in water, air and soil remediation both from the scientific side and from the application side. The symposium has been co-organized by Dhitech (Distretto tecnologico High Tech Scarl: that is managing the project FONTANAPULIA - FOtocatalizzatori NanosTrutturati e RAdiazioNe UV per un’Acqua più PULItA -funded by POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020 – Azione Innonetwork – that is developing new photocatalytic systems for the removal of priority and emerging pollutants in aqueous matrix through the use of Nanotechnology.